Bovine Hydrolyzed Collagen

Bovine Hydrolyzed Collagen

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Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body (1). When we have enough, it keeps our skin supple and elastic, while also keeping our joints strong. Unfortunately, collagen production begins to decline as we age (cue: sagging skin, wrinkles, joint pain, and other symptoms of aging). Not only that, but diets high in sugar, nutrient deficiencies, and too much sunbathing also help speed up collagen breakdown.

What is Bovine Collagen?

Bovine collagen is a form of protein that comes from cows. Bovine collagen can come in different forms (gelatin versus hydrolyzed) and contains Type I and III collagen. Learn more about what bovine collagen is and why supplementing with bovine collagen can provide significant health benefits to your skin, joints, gut (digestive health), and in fact, your entire body.


Bovine collagen, or beef collagen, is a special kind of protein consisting of Type I and Type III collagen. Judging from the name, you may have already guessed that bovine collagen comes from cows. This type of collagen can be made into in two different consumable forms: the gelatin form and the peptide, or hydrolyzed, form. Bovine collagen is now eaten widely around the world as both scientists validate and consumers experience the powerful health benefits it provides for our skin, gut, joints, and more.

Structure of Bovine Collagen

Bovine collagen actually consists of two types of collagen: Type I and Type III. Type I collagen makes up 70% of our skin and is key to replenishing skin. This type of collagen can enhance skin hydration and strength, decrease wrinkles, and help reverse skin-related issues related to aging. While Type I collagen can be found all throughout the body except for cartilaginous tissues, Type III collagen, the other type of collagen found in bovine collagen, can be found in our artery walls and other hollow organs. You can additionally find it with Type I collagen in fibrils, which are simply subdivisions of muscle fibers. Because bovine collagen has both of these types of collagens, it offers plenty of health benefits. After all, Type I and Type III collagen together make up more than 90% of the total collagen in the body!

Collagen itself consists of three long amino acid chains, each containing over 1000 individual amino acids. These chains are twisted, forming a helix conformation. Collagen in its full length form is difficult to digest. The gelatin form of bovine collagen has been partially broken down through a process called partial hydrolysis. Since it’s not fully broken down, gelatin is more difficult for the body to absorb and may cause some water retention and even bloating.

The peptide form of collagen is the most recommended form for consumption. Collagen peptides can also be called hydrolyzed collagen, and we’re sure you can guess why. The amino acid chains are hydrolyzed, meaning they have been broken down to form short chains. Don’t worry – no amino acids are lost in the process; it’s the structural properties that changed. In fact, it is said that the rate of absorption of collagen peptides in the body surpasses 90% thanks to complete hydrolysis. For this reason, collagen peptides are much more efficiently absorbed into the body than non- or partially-hydrolyzed chains of amino acids.

Specification of Bovine Collagen

1.Appearance white or off-white powder Complies Sensory test
2.Odor No objectional odor Complies Sensory test
3.Sieve anlysis 90%pass 60mesh Complies Sieving by 60mesh
4. Protein content 90%min 92.25% GB 5009.5
5.AMW 3000Dmax 1500D GB/T 22729
6.PH value 5.0-7.0 6.5 QB 2732-2005
7.Loss on drying 5%max 4.5% GB/T 5009.3
8.Ash 2%max 0.95% GB/T 5009.4


Benefits & Applications of Bovine Collagen

Bovine collagen is the most popular collagen supplement on the market. It’s known for it’s ability to directly increase collagen production in the body.


Most people take collagen because it can improve skin health and elasticity. Collagen can reduce cracking and help repair connective tissues like joint cartilage, bone matter, and other tendons and ligaments.


But those aren’t the only benefits of bovine collagen. In addition, numerous recent studies point to added health benefits of beef collagen including:


  • Protein-sparing — when blood sugar is low, collagen can be used for energy instead of burning precious muscle tissue.
  • Better sleep — human studies show that glycine from collagen taken before bed can increase sleep quality and combat daytime fatigue.
  • Faster wound-healing — collagen can fight off bacteria and help keep wounds sterile. It can also form a scaffold-like layer of tissue to help close a wound and cover damaged tissue.  One study showed that hydrolyzed beef collagen even increased ulcer healing by 200% .
  • Improved gut health — collagen has been shown to have soothing, healing effects on the entire gastrointestinal tract. The use of collagen can also increase low stomach acid levels which can improve digestive health and gut function.

There are so many benefits to using a high quality beef collagen supplement and the studies are continuing to support the diverse health benefits of bovine collagen.

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